Make sure to look
here and
here and
here and
here to learn about the anti IPCC arguments. Apparently these can be
easily refuted.
CALLING ALL ADVENTURE SEEKERS!Do you lie in bed at night worrying about climate change? Or have you never really given it a second thought?
Channel 4 and Outline Productions are planning a unique eco-challenge, and we're looking for interesting characters from all walks of life to take part. It doesn't matter if you're very green, not green at all or somewhere in the middle.
This is your chance to make a difference and be seen doing it on television!
Filming will take place in June for this exciting new series which will see ten strangers striving for survival in a hostile environment and helping put the world to rights.
The challenge will be tough, but it will be a unique experience. You do not have to be ultra-fit to take part, but all successful applicants will be required to undertake a medical.
There will be a prize for the winner of the series.