August 11, 2007

The Future Of Work

The U.S. and the global economies are coming to a crossroads that no one could have anticipated just a few years ago. Globalization and technology together are creating the potential for startling changes in how we do our jobs and the offices we do them in. Offshoring, for one, means work can be broken into smaller tasks and redistributed around the world. And the rapid growth of broader, richer channels of communication—including virtual worlds—is transforming what it means to be "at work."

Read this article: "Which Way To The Future?"

The whole "The Future of Work" file is here.

August 10, 2007

Pumping Money As Markets Slide

Central banks worldwide have injected at least $326.3 billion in the past 48 hours to prevent markets from spinning into a global liquidity squeeze.

Want to know more???

Paul Krugman concedes at the moment "Very Scary Things" are happening.