September 27, 2007

Now Available In The Dutch Edition

Look here.
The English language edition is under way!
The book was officially introduced at the Shell HQ in Amsterdam.

Adjiedj Bakas and Rob Creemers in "Living Without Oil / Leven Zonder Olie" together present the trends in energy production and energy consumption in today’s world. Is there an energy crisis to be expected and when? How long can we use oil and gas and when is it necessary to change the energy consumption? How to reduce CO2 and prevent the changes in climate we might expect in the near future? This book is the ultimate answer to Al Gore’s book An unconvenient truth. It is visionary, yet practical and inspirational: what are the real energy alternatives? What is the state of the art? What are the future scenario’s and future trends in energy consumption? Which new energy inventions are due? With cases and inspiring examples. The book is designed as a "magazine in a book": it is full colour, richly illustrated, with a foamcover and luxuriously designed.

Also vistit the LivingWithoutOil weblog, which BTW isn't ours.

September 16, 2007

Greenspan on 2030

From Alan Greenspan's new book "The Age of Turbulence":

"Adaptation is in our nature, a fact that leads me to be deeply optimistic about our future. [ . . . ] Progress is not automatic, however; it will demand future adaptations as yet unimaginable."

September 11, 2007

Monumental Multimedia Documentary


Totally New Digital Products Ahead

Cramming more data into less space on a memory chip or a hard drive has been the crucial force propelling consumer electronics companies to make ever smaller devices.

If Stuart Parkin proves successful in his current quest at the San Jose IBM Research Center, he will create a “universal” computer memory, one that can potentially replace dynamic random access memory, or DRAM, and flash memory chips, and even make a “disk drive on a chip” possible.

It could begin to replace flash memory in three to five years. Not only would it allow every consumer to carry data equivalent to a college library on small portable devices, but a tenfold or hundredfold increase in memory would undoubtedly unleash the creativity of engineers who would develop totally new entertainment, communication and information products.

September 01, 2007

The Worldwide Credit Crunch

From the International Herald Tribune on the US homeowner woes that can be felt throughout the world:

Different lives on different continents. But all of them, in this astonishingly interconnected world, are being swept up in a worldwide credit crunch that have raised fears of a financial meltdown.

Bad lending decisions to ordinary folks in places like Minnesota and New Jersey have been tearing through world economies like a tsunami, causing stock markets to plummet, threatening pensions, and affecting the prices of everything from oil to refrigerators.