The first and worst impacts of climate change are being felt by the poor in the developing world. Drought in sub-Saharan Africa, floods in China and India, and a near tripling of people affected by extreme weather and other natural disasters globally in the last two decades, almost all in the developing world, affecting those who are most vulnerable and least able to cope.
A nice two-page overview together with several links is
this Greenpeace briefing. Don't miss the British
Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change.April 6:
A new IPCC climate report warns time is running out:
Huge numbers of people will be at risk due to sea level rise, storm surge and river flooding in the Asian Megadeltas such as the Ganges-Brahmaputra (Bangladesh) and the Zhujiang (Pearl River).
Warming of more than another degree could commit the world to multi-metre sea level rise over several centuries from the partial or total loss of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets.
Huge coastal dislocation would result and could be triggered by emissions made in the next several decades.
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